Final update before we leave for the Arizona Trail

AZT LogoWell, we are heading out for the Arizona Trail Trek this Friday April 1st.

No, this is not an April’s Fools Joke. April 2nd is our first day on the trail. This is going to be an amazing experience! We have trained hard and I believe we are ready.

I would like to put out a huge thank you to our sponsors! Steve and Brad with Peace Surplus were incredible. Steve went out of his way to help me and my team out. If you are ever near Flagstaff Peace Surplus is the place to go.

I would also like to thank Merrell for hooking the team up with our hiking boots.

Evidently Wal-Mart took me serious when I said “Will hike for food!” Thanks.

We have KAVU to thank for our awesome hats (Chilba).

In case you have not heard about this adventure, Ben Cane, Yancey Herriage and I are going to hike 807 miles from Mexico to Utah on the AZT for the Foundation for Blind Children a Phoenix based 501c3.

You can follow our journey here on or We are hoping to raise enough money to put 43 kids through a summer program for the blind. If you would like to help a child go to

Keep an eye out for updates from the Crazy Blind Sensei Mike Armstrong.

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Final update before we leave for the Arizona Trail

One Response

  1. Dear Sir or Madam,
    I am a Public Affairs Officer with the Bureau of Land Management, Arizona Strip District based in St. George Utah. I believe Mr. Armstrong will be completing his trek soon and understood he would complete this trip at or near the Stateline Campground off the House Rock Valley Road near the Vermilion Cliffs National Monument. (Essentially where the Arizona Trail becomes the Great Western Trail.)
    We would appreciate the opportunity to talk and to work with Mr. Armstrong and his crew or representatives in terms of learning more about his experiences on the trail, i.e. the terrain, difficulty, experiences such as weather, wildlife, preparations for this kind of trip, etc. I have reviewed your site closely and am unable to determine when Mr. Armstrong might arrive at the Stateline Campground and would appreciate communicating by phone with a member of his crew or Mr. Armstrong if possible.

    Please feel free to contact me through any of the following means;
    Cellular: 435-680-0814
    Work: 435-688-3303
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Thank you so much for your consideration and best wishes to Mr. Armstrong and his supporters on this trek!

    Rachel Tueller

    Rachel Tueller May 25, 2011 at 11:11 pm #

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