Checked in with Mike last night; even though him and Bob Pelikan (Sighted Guide) were covered in SNOW (yes it does snow in Arizona) and hammered with strong winds they reached their 24 mile goal in time to enjoy a hot shower and dinner in Flagstaff as a reward. Mike has told me that his […]
A timeline view of recent events
September 28, 2012 The Blind Ride – Mission Complete September 27, 2012 The Blind Ride – Day 3 Check in September 26, 2012 The Blind Ride – Day 2 Check inArizona Trail Checkin
May 17, 2011 by Team Armstrong Arizona TrailJust checked in with Mike Armstrong’s logistics support and even though the GPS was giving them issues Shane and Sensei Mike have completed 21 miles today. Sensei Mike’s regular guides Ben and Yancey unfortunately had to return to work today. Luckily other guides have stepped up to help guide Mike to the finish line. Sensei […]
Team Armstrong’s New Itinerary
May 13, 2011 by Team Armstrong Arizona TrailJust in case you are wondering attached is Team Armstrong’s new schedule. Sunday May 8th – 8.8 Miles – Bear Spring Jct (400 yardsS to spring box; no trail to Fisher Spring) Monday May 9th – 13.2 Miles -The Park (Get water at Hopi spring or Horse Camp Seep) (no water at the park) Tuesday […]
Checking from Team Armstrong
May 12, 2011 by Team Armstrong Arizona TrailEvidently our spot messages for the past few days didn’t go through but we have now finished Passage 25 and we are one day away from Strawberry/Pine. We stayed at LF Ranch last night and it was awesome. Great food, a hot shower, and a bed was great! We just met with Sarge for resupply […]
Longing to get back on the trail
May 4, 2011 by Mike Armstrong Arizona Trail
First of all, thank you for the prayers, well wishes and for your donations to the Foundation for Blind Children. The last four weeks have been incredible. Yancey, Ben and I have experienced an amazing adventure. The Arizona Trail does not disappoint ones expectations. Now as I sit here writing this all I can think […]