Today Sensei Mike and took a quick break during our training hike to bring you this interview.
Mike Armstrong Interview (Video)
Arizona Trail Athlete
Blind Musician, Adventurer, and Martial Arts Instructor
Today Sensei Mike and took a quick break during our training hike to bring you this interview.
Above is a drum solo from the Blind and Unplugged fund-raising event we had on the 12th.
I just wanted to take a minute and thank everyone who supported Team Armstrong on Saturday by coming out to “Blind and Unplugged” with your help we raised over $1,000 that night. While this is a great start we have a long way to go before we raise our goal of $43,000 for the Foundation […]
“Sensei” Mike Armstrong will be speaking about the Arizona Trail and his other adventures followed by an exclusive acoustic concert by Mike’s band echotribe.
The night is free and donations will be taken at the door with a raffle also taking place throughout the night.
All donations and proceeds will go to the Foundation for Blind Children to support its summer recreation program.
Please join us at Shiloh Community Church at 6pm on February 12th to hear Mike’s amazing story and listen to some good music as well.
As the Arizona Trail hike draws closer Team Armstrong has been stepping up our efforts to prepare for the 800 mile trek across Arizona. We created a Training Hike schedule for the rest of the year (Schedule) and just last weekend we hiked the Arizona trail in Flagstaff. It was a great hike but also […]
Sensei Mike Armstrong along with 5 other blind hikers were interviewed on the Today Show this morning. You can watch the full interview below.
I participated in another amazing hike on October 9th and 10th of 2010. This time it was a Rim to Rim to Rim hike across the Grand Canyon. This hike-a-thon was to benefit the Foundation for Blind Children. This forty-eight mile trek was a truly incredible experience, challenging my mind, body and will to succeed.
After our Kilimanjaro climb in 2009 everyone was asking, “What’s next?” There were several ideas suggested like; swimming to Alcatraz, climbing another of the seven summits, hiking the Arizona Trail, climbing Mount Whitney and several of us mentioned the Grand Canyon. After much deliberation it was decided that the next FBC hike-a-thon would be a rim to rim trek from the North Rim to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. This made the most sense because we have one of the world’s seven natural wonders right here in our home state. The date was set for 10/10/10.
Now are you wondering about that extra rim to rim I mentioned earlier? Well my team is in training for an eight hundred mile hike in April of 2011. The hike will run from the Mexico border to the Utah border on The Arizona Trail. We felt that hiking that extra twenty-four miles would give us a good idea of what to expect from our upcoming forty day trek across Arizona. We were not disappointed.
On Friday June 25th, Sensei Mike Armstrong will be traveling to Colorado to join the Adventure TEAM Challenge. Sensei Mike will not be the only handicap person there, as this is a race geared to challenge those with handicaps. The race will consist of trail running, whitewater rafting, rock climbing, mountain biking, and many more challenges.
When we went to Africa we spent the first day visiting the Mwereni Integrated School for the Blind. As the Foundation for Blind Children was going to donate 52 braille writers to the school. To celebrate our arrival the school put on quite an extraordinary show of song, dance and even African drums.
Seeing as how Mike is a drummer he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to give the school a show as well.