Today Team Armstrong had to return to Phoenix due to an injury on the right leg of Mike Armstrong (Blind Hiker). Mike Armstrong will be taking the next few days to rest his injury and consult medical advice. Team Armstrong will restart the Mazatal Divide passage of the Arizona Trail after it is determined he […]
Tag Archives: blind hiker
Heroes – From Marc Ashton (CEO of the Foundation for Blind Children)
Arizona Trail
Today, as I celebrate Easter with my family, I am in pain. My feet are swollen, my knees ache and I have trouble sitting and standing. My body is fatigued by the 12-mile, 8-hour trek south of Theodore Roosevelt Lake on the great Arizona Trail. Yet, with all my pain, I am already looking online to determine when I can […]
Blind hiker trekking across state on Arizona Trail (Video)
Arizona TrailWhile Team Armstrong may have arrived in Phoenix it has been a busy day with the Media. Here is an interview of Mike and his sighted guides by AZFamily.
Arizona Trail Reflections
Arizona Trail Athlete
As I travel along this 800 mile journey, I realize how truly amazing it is to be able to experience something so inspiring. Each step I take brings me closer to understanding more about myself and how truly blessed all of our lives are. So today; take a break to feel the wind on your […]
Fox 11 – Blind Phoenix man hiking the Arizona trail (Video)
Arizona TrailMike Armstrong on Tuscon News KLOD
Arizona TrailSensei Mike was featured on several local news channels in Tuscon. You can watch one of them below.
Thoughts from the Arizona Trail
Arizona Trail
It’s amazing out there, I don’t know how to describe it, It is incredible feeling the amount of raw wilderness surrounding us. It’s strange yet appealing to travel 20 miles and not hear planes flying overhead, No sounds of traffic, …or signs of today’s technology. As I look back at the 116 miles we’ve travelled, […]
Day 2 update interview from Sensei Mike Armstrong
Arizona TrailQuick Video update from Blind Hiker Mike Armstrong after Day 2 on the Arizona Trail.
Day 3 update from the road
Arizona TrailDay 3 down we did 16 miles today and it was much easier than the past 2 days. Tonight and Tomorrow we are in Patagonia for rest and staying in this awesome ranch We are all pretty sore, tired, and I think my calluses are getting callus.
Final update before we leave for the Arizona Trail
Arizona Trail Athlete
Well, we are heading out for the Arizona Trail Trek this Friday April 1st. No, this is not an April’s Fools Joke. April 2nd is our first day on the trail. This is going to be an amazing experience! We have trained hard and I believe we are ready. I would like to put out […]