In the Media: Blind hiker at halfway point in trek across Arizona (Link)

KTAR did a quick interview with Sensei Mike while he was in Phoenix.

PHOENIX — A blind man hiking across Arizona is nearing the halfway mark of his trip.

Mike Armstrong and his two guides have covered nearly 400 miles along the Arizona trail since they began their trek April 2 near the Mexican border. The trip will end at the Utah border.

Armstrong was born with a hereditary disease which destroyed his retinas. Shortly after his 27th birthday, he was pronounced blind with no chance of getting his sight back. He subsequently had both eyes removed.

Armstrong said that, although he can’t see the trail, he is experiencing it.

“I can feel the beauty around me, I can smell the different scents in the areas of the trees and the bushes, what’s in bloom. I can hear the animals out there, especially the birds.”

To view the whole story go to:

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