While Team Armstrong may have arrived in Phoenix it has been a busy day with the Media. Here is an interview of Mike and his sighted guides by AZFamily.
A timeline view of recent events
September 28, 2012 The Blind Ride – Mission Complete September 27, 2012 The Blind Ride – Day 3 Check in September 26, 2012 The Blind Ride – Day 2 Check in
Mike's Blog
Update from Team Armstrong
April 22, 2011 by admin Arizona TrailFinished the cactus mine field. Passage 17 done.
Arizona Trail Reflections
April 20, 2011 by admin Arizona Trail Athlete
As I travel along this 800 mile journey, I realize how truly amazing it is to be able to experience something so inspiring. Each step I take brings me closer to understanding more about myself and how truly blessed all of our lives are. So today; take a break to feel the wind on your […]
Fox 11 – Blind Phoenix man hiking the Arizona trail (Video)
April 16, 2011 by Team Armstrong Arizona TrailMike Armstrong on Tuscon News KLOD
April 13, 2011 by admin Arizona TrailSensei Mike was featured on several local news channels in Tuscon. You can watch one of them below.
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