In the media: Mark Winsor Interviews Mike Armstrong on Arizona Trail

One Response

  1. Mike, I was diagnosed with glaucoma about a dozen years ago and have been treated with meds to reduce pressures. My VF tests have been worsening and doctors at Mayo feel I’ll likely lose my vision in the next 5-10 years. It’s hard to imagine, as a child I always had excellent vision and as I got older I needed glasses. I’m 56 and it appears I will outlive my vision. I saw the article on you in Arizona Highways magazine and found it helpful and inspiring. I want to be proactive and accept and prepare for my inevitable outcome, rather than wait and hope it doesn’t come. I want to be ready and I want to live with no regrets. Thank you for sharing your story, I look forward to meeting you someday soon. Perry

    Perry Brush May 28, 2012 at 3:47 pm #

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