Hiking the Trail 100 and over 1k raised this weekend

Sensei Mike Armstrong speaking

I just wanted to take a minute and thank everyone who supported Team Armstrong on Saturday by coming out to “Blind and Unplugged” with your help we raised over $1,000 that night. While this is a great start we have a long way to go before we raise our goal of $43,000 for the Foundation for Blind Children; Please help us attain this goal by spreading the word of our adventure to your friends and family.

In other news I wanted to let everyone know that Mike Armstrong and his Sighted Guide Ben Cane will be hiking the trail 100 for 2 hours every Mon, Wed, & Fri until we leave for the Arizona trail. We will meet at The Hiking Shack at 5 am. Feel free to join us but please give us a heads up through our Facebook page in advance so that we can expect you.

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