Channel 12 News recently interviewed Mike and Scoob and talked about the Blind Ride event to raise $25,000 for the Foundation for Blind Children. If you would like to make a donation to help this great charity you can click the donate button on the side of this page.
A timeline view of recent events
September 28, 2012 The Blind Ride – Mission Complete September 27, 2012 The Blind Ride – Day 3 Check in September 26, 2012 The Blind Ride – Day 2 Check inBlind Ride
September 17, 2012 by admin Bicycling Bike Across Arizona
It is hard to believe that I am only a few days away from my ride across Arizona. The event is called The Blind Ride and is a charity effort to help the Foundation for Blind Children a 501c3 charity in Phoenix. The Blind Ride should make for an incredible yet challenging five day adventure for all of us. This tandem bike ride is 390 miles and starts at the New Mexico border and runs to the California state line. My goal is to raise funds and awareness for the FBC and hopefully inspire a few people along the way.
Adventures in Biking
May 17, 2012 by Mike Armstrong Bike Across Arizona
I have found a new passion for riding. After competing in the 2010 Adventure Team Challenge (a Colorado adventure race), I have felt compelled to get involved in both road and mountain biking. To this end, in July of last year I bought my first tandem road bike. After a few minor mishaps I have […]
October 11, 2011 by Mike Armstrong Athlete Martial Arts
I am embarking on a new goal (2012 Paralympic Judo Team). As a Martial Artist/Sensei I have felt a strong desire to compete. I have participated in tournaments in the forms/Kata division, but that is non-combative. Standard sparring (Kumite) is rarely open to a blind competitor due to the possibility of injury. After investigating the options […]
In the media: Mark Winsor Interviews Mike Armstrong on Arizona Trail
October 11, 2011 by admin Arizona Trail
As I was looking around online I found another interview that Mike did with Mark Winsor an online radio host. If you check out the video you will have a good idea of how tiring and long the Arizona Trail hike was. At the point of this interview we were about 4 or 5 days […]