Training Hike: Mt. Humphreys – Update

Sensei Mike and Ben Cane at Humprheys Peak

Sensei Mike Armstrong and Ben Cane at Humprheys Peak

Team Armstrong started the day at about 7AM and found Mt. Humphreys to have quite a bit of snow on it, making it difficult to find the trail. We reached the summit (12,500 ft) after approximately 7 hours of hiking, and after taking a few shortcuts finished the hike at about 7pm; making it a 12 hour day. We are sore and tired but it was a great hike, the snow made it much more technical than usual.

From trail head to summit:

Time: 07:03:29
Miles Traveled:
6.71 mi
Average Speed:
0.95 m/hr
Elevation Gain:
4763 ft
Starting Elevation:
9208  ft
Max Elevation: 12538 ft

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Training Hike: Mt. Humphreys – Update

One Response

  1. Very nice what app are you using for your phone to track all this?

    Adam June 2, 2010 at 4:24 am #

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