Training Hike: Mt. Humphreys – Update
Arizona Trail
Sensei Mike Armstrong and Ben Cane at Humprheys Peak
Team Armstrong started the day at about 7AM and found Mt. Humphreys to have quite a bit of snow on it, making it difficult to find the trail. We reached the summit (12,500 ft) after approximately 7 hours of hiking, and after taking a few shortcuts finished the hike at about 7pm; making it a 12 hour day. We are sore and tired but it was a great hike, the snow made it much more technical than usual.
From trail head to summit:
Time: 07:03:29
Miles Traveled: 6.71 mi
Average Speed: 0.95 m/hr
Elevation Gain: 4763 ft
Starting Elevation: 9208 ft
Max Elevation: 12538 ft
Very nice what app are you using for your phone to track all this?