Adventure TEAM Challenge

On Friday June 25th, Sensei Mike Armstrong will be traveling to Colorado to join the Adventure TEAM Challenge. Sensei Mike will not be the only handicap person there, as this is a race geared to challenge those with handicaps. The race will consist of trail running, whitewater rafting, rock climbing, mountain biking, and many more challenges.

Below is a description from a blog from one of the creators of this challenge, Erik Weihenmayer (First Blind man to summit Everest)

The intent of the Adventure TEAM Challenge is to push participants and teams physically, mentally, and spiritually while exploring and experiencing the wonders of the great outdoors. The event requires adventurers to navigate their way through wild terrain to find checkpoints. Racers are not allowed to use motorized transport or outside assistance to complete their journey.

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Adventure TEAM Challenge

2 Responses

  1. Mike,

    We met you at the saddle on Humphrey’s on Memorial Day as you were heading up. I believe mmy friend, Bob, hiked with you a ways. This is my contact information and weblink as a Christian publicist. I have been a writer and PR specialist for 20 years. By the way, since arriving back in Colorado since seeing you, I have hit two summits in the Rockies – Missouri Mountain, 14,0067 and Huron Peak, 14,003.

    Thanks for the inspiration. Get a book out there and start speaking my friend.


    Don Otis June 21, 2010 at 6:32 pm #
  1. Tweets that mention Adventure TEAM Challenge « Mike Armstrong -- - June 17, 2010

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ben Cane, Mike Armstrong. Mike Armstrong said: #Adventure TEAM Challenge #athlete #blind #blindclimber #blindhiker #hiking #mikearmstrong [...]

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