Update on leg injury

As I posted earlier Mike Armstrong injured his leg while hiking through the Four Peaks area last Monday causing Team Armstrong to return to Phoenix while he seeks medical advice.

All of the X-Rays and Test results show no breaks and the doctors believe it is a mild strain but has recommended Mike stay off of it for 1 – 2 weeks.

Originally Team Armstrong planned on being finished by May 11th but with the injury and difficulty of some of the terrain on the Arizona Trail it may take longer. Mike Armstrong will finish the Arizona Trail; Mike and his Sighted guides are scheduled to get back on the Arizona Trail on Sunday, May 8th.

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Update on leg injury

One Response

  1. I am sorry to hear about this. Lets get you on my show before you get back on the trail. Call me.

    Mark Winsor May 3, 2011 at 10:35 pm #

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